Wednesday, October 12, 2011

mesus 15: penguin

One day, Penguin was.

The next day, Penguin was lonely.
But then she noticed something...

Another Penguin?

And she slipped on the ice!

She was alone again,
but some place very different.

The air was thick and wet...
so thick she just floated,
so thick she could wave her arms and fly!
She flew in a circle.
She flew in a square.

Some things were very tasty,
but they usually flew away.
Other things were not so tasty,
and Penguin flew away. 
Penguin was a little grumpy,
because she was still lonely.
She settled down in the cover of
a thick seaweed patch.

And that's when she saw something weird!
It wasn't like anything she had seen before.
It didn't run away, and neither did Penguin.

Penguin approached it cautiously.
It didn't move.
It didn't have any arms to move about,
so Penguin figured it was probably even more lonely than she!
"Bicycle!" She called it. 
And they became best of friends.

With Bicycle, Penguin felt something new.
It was Happiness.

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