Sunday, July 22, 2012

mesus 23: an unceremonious exit

Our protagonist chooses to adventure elsewhere. (prev | next)

Previous: Mesus 22: Bubble World
Next: Mesus 24: The Twone

(Last week in Bubble World. Nice shot, Bad One! *snatch* *dive* ACK, OOF, EEK! *BOING* Bad One's aim was straight and true. "Aieeeoooouuuuuuu!" *HONK* *HONK* Bad One felt a sudden explosive impact, as though he was struck by a truck. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! *BAM* "Oof!…")

Sunday, July 15, 2012

mesus 22: bubble world

Bad One and the bubble people experience a conflict of interest. (prev | next)

(Stupendous. Amazing. Ooh la la! *snip* Revolutionary! Genuis. Game changing. Oh my! *blink* *blink* Bad One slowly came to. He was surrounded. "Sign," they hissed. Was Bad One dreaming? "What would Mesus do?" he pondered. And you know what Bad One did? *flick* *SPLASH* Tune in next week to see what happens next!)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

mesus 21: trade winds

Adrift in the breezes, our mischievous hero searches for safety. (prev | next)

Previous: Mesus 20: Bad One
Next: Mesus 22: Bubble World

(Trade Winds. Bad One drifted aimlessly… Ahead? A maze of wind! Below? Not a safe place to land in sight. Wait, what's that!? Looks safe enough! *flip* *chh!!* whooaaooaa!!! *POP* *CRASH* *applause* *applause* *applause*)