Tuesday, September 27, 2011

mesus 13: story time

"Look, a kitty!" "I wonder how it got there?" "I'll tell you!" "MEOW" One day, Mesus and Bad One spotted a poor kitten meowing in their yard. Mesus gave her a saucer of milk and she slept in a shoebox under their deck. 
The next morning, she had grown so big she didn't fit in her shoebox anymore! "Meow!" 
That night, Bad One gave her a bowl of milk and a laundry basket bed. 
The next day she was even bigger. They gave her a tall glass of milk and she barely fit in an old TV box bed Mesus made for her.

The kitten grew as big as Bad One and drank a full bottle of milk. The kitten grew as big as Mesus and drank two bottles of milk. Soon it was Mesus and Bad One sleeping under the deck... and no more milk! 
Mesus and Bad One pondered their new friend's predicament. The answer came to them as soon as night fell... "The Milky Way!" Bad One fed the kitten evaporated milk to make her lighter. They climbed on her and up they bound. They passed the moon.

They passed the planets. They didn't stop until they found The Milky Way! Mesus and Bad One caught the first shooting star back home, but Sophia the wondercat stayed in the sky forever, happily drinking milk whenever she was thirsty.

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