Saturday, October 15, 2011


The beginnings are always the hardest,
and for Abbie it was no different.

"What am I?"
She would ponder at the mirror every morning,
but the mirror never answered.

This made some things at school very challenging.

When she was littler she thought she was a bear.
She played with all the bear cubs at recess and was the best fish catcher in her grade.

But as she got older,
she realized she wasn't a bear --
bears don't have antlers!
The other cubs laughed at her and called her names: "Moose!"

She found the other moose calves
jousting at P.E. one day...
and she fit right in!
No one could joust better than Abbie!

But after school she heard
them sniggering behind her back,
making fun of her stubby bear tail.
And she didn't want to be a moose anymore.

Not a moose, not a bear,
Abbie didn't know what to do!
She went the long way home...
through the dark, dark woods.

Even the wise owls didn't know what she was!
"Who?" "Who?" They called.

Abbie trudged onwards, disheartened.

Before she knew it, the moon was out.
She howled at it, hoping for a clue:

In response to her howl,
a strange animal popped out of the woods.
It was a penguin!

Penguin hopped to Abbie and sniffed him,
then sighed unhappily.
"No Bicycle :("

"Did you lose your bicycle?" Abbie asked.
"I could help you find it."
Penguin only jumped up and down eagerly:

Abbie put her nose to the
ground and started sleuthing.
Penguin followed excitedly.

And there it was!
Penguin's bicycle was hidden in a thicket of trees.

Penguin exclaimed, running towards it.

She jumped on her bicycle
then looked back fondly at Abbie.
"Bear-Moose-Dog" Penguin accurately stated.
And suddenly everything clicked:
the fishing... the tail
the antlers... the jousting
the howling... the sniffing
Abbie was a bear-moose-dog all along.
"Woof!" Abbie barked.
"Bicycle!" Penguin replied. 
Together Abbie, Penguin, and Bicycle
ventured back into the woods,
eager for the experiences to come.

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