Monday, September 24, 2012

mesus 27: intermission ii

New to MesusDoodles? Now's your chance to catch up! Why not start at the beginning?

Next: Mesus 28: The Elephant

Sunday, August 26, 2012

mesus 26: a desert affair

Bad One meets his match in the desert. (prev | next)

Previous: Mesus 25: Destination May Vary
Next: Mesus 27: Intermission II

(Maybe the Bow Ties could help him find Mesus? So Bad One left the waterfall, the hole, and started walking, and walking. But it was just too far! "Twone!" Surely the Twone would see his signal. *flash* *flash* *flash* And they did! *Vroom* "Huh?" Honk. Honk. Run, Bad One, Run! Ka-boom!)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

mesus 25: destination may vary

The Twone bid Bad One farewell with a story. (prev | next)
* Twone character created by Claire. Twone story inspired by Claire.

(Not wanting to waste any more of their time, Bad One waved goodbye to the Twone. But not without a story! Vroom. One Day, Twone was out enjoying existence. They saw Something in the Distance and decided to check It out. As they got closer, they figured out what It was: the Truth. One of the Twone noticed some smaller writing. Surgeon General's Warning: Cuts. They had to make a quick Decision. *screech* And Truth cleft Twone into two Ones. Bye-bye, Twone! As Twone disappeared into the horizon, Bad One started sleuthing. His memories were vivid. And he found clues: Mesus's hammer! More clues: a glass bucket, a leaf, some apples. But no Mesus! Just one funny hole. Meeee-zus!! Bad One's loudest calls were met with lonely Silence.)

Monday, August 13, 2012

mesus 24: the twone

Bad One continues his search for Mesus. (prev | next)

Previous: Mesus 23: An Unceremonious Exit
Next: Mesus 25: Destination May Vary

(Last time: *Boing* *whoosh* *BAM* Oof! The Twone. Bad One and The Twone raced through the sky together. But it was a long way from the Bow Tie's bubble world to … well … anything! Then they could go no further. The waterfall! So that must be where Mesus fell! Lets go get him! Vroom Vroom. It was really dark. *Blink* Huh!? The Twone tried again and again, but always the same result. Bad One checked out the fine print with his magnifying glass. How exasperating! Rock Bottom, destination may vary. What now, Twone? How are we ever going to find Mesus? Mesus Morsel: If we were all lost in the same place, we would not be lost.)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

mesus 23: an unceremonious exit

Our protagonist chooses to adventure elsewhere. (prev | next)

Previous: Mesus 22: Bubble World
Next: Mesus 24: The Twone

(Last week in Bubble World. Nice shot, Bad One! *snatch* *dive* ACK, OOF, EEK! *BOING* Bad One's aim was straight and true. "Aieeeoooouuuuuuu!" *HONK* *HONK* Bad One felt a sudden explosive impact, as though he was struck by a truck. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! *BAM* "Oof!…")

Sunday, July 15, 2012

mesus 22: bubble world

Bad One and the bubble people experience a conflict of interest. (prev | next)

(Stupendous. Amazing. Ooh la la! *snip* Revolutionary! Genuis. Game changing. Oh my! *blink* *blink* Bad One slowly came to. He was surrounded. "Sign," they hissed. Was Bad One dreaming? "What would Mesus do?" he pondered. And you know what Bad One did? *flick* *SPLASH* Tune in next week to see what happens next!)