... and jumped in the water. "Great idea, Mesus!" Bad One threw his helmet on, grabbed a few leaves, and jumped in! |
And they could swim! "Hooray!" |
... and jumped in the water. "Great idea, Mesus!" Bad One threw his helmet on, grabbed a few leaves, and jumped in! |
And they could swim! "Hooray!" |
The next morning, she had grown so big she didn't fit in her shoebox anymore! "Meow!" |
That night, Bad One gave her a bowl of milk and a laundry basket bed. |
The next day she was even bigger. They gave her a tall glass of milk and she barely fit in an old TV box bed Mesus made for her. |
That's teamwork! |
Tree fruit made an excellent breakfast, lunch, and dinner... or pressed into a tasty beverage. Tree leaves could be rolled into a relaxing smoke. |
Mesus built a nice tree house in the shade. |
At night they created constellations. |
Life certainly wasn't bad. |
It was hot and heavy. Mesus paced. Bad One played with his magnifying glass. |
The water was rising. The waters of reality were eating away at the shoreline. "Quick Mesus, get your hammer!" |
After a little hard work they felt comfortable that their island would not be washed away ... and so they rested. |
For the first time in episodes, they appeared to be in no urgent mess. |
Property of Exploitation, Inc. Fragile! Unbroken egos inside. |
And made a run for it! Mesus Morsel: Believe in what you think, not what you're told. |